Financial planning after divorce

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For many clients, divorce is the largest financial transaction of their lives – and it comes at a time when emotions are typically running on overdrive. Our team specializes in helping clients navigate this complex journey while finding a new financial normal.  

As both Certified Financial Transitions (CeFT®) and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERSTM (CFP®), we bring the highest levels of training and expertise while coming alongside you with clear advice for sound decision making during this time that can otherwise feel chaotic. 

Our experience includes

  • Tax Planning for Property Sale(s), Spousal and Child Support, Social Security Income and other Government Benefits 
  • Investment Planning and management 
  • Retirement Planning and taxation of retirement account distributions 
  • Insurance Planning, including Life, disability insurance, and Employment Benefits 

Common questions in divorce

  • Where will the children live? 
  • Who will pay for their education and medical treatment? 
  • How do we value our property? 
  • Who gets what property? 
  • What tax issues must we be concerned with? 
  • How do we divide retirement funds and pensions? 
  • How will the lower-earning spouse survive financially? 
  • What additional financial support does that person need? 
  • Who gets the house? 
  • What happens if a paying ex-spouse dies? 

Many lawyers struggle with the intricate financial details that concern tax issues, CRA rulings, capital gains, dividing pensions, and so on. Lawyers attend law school to become experts in the law, not to become financial experts. Additionally, even if lawyers happen to have accumulated a degree of financial expertise, they are not allowed to testify on behalf of their clients in court. This is why more and more lawyers acknowledge the virtue of bringing a financial expert into the divorce process at the very start. Solid information and expert analysis are important resources in their search for the best possible resolutions for their clients. 

Customized financial advice

Regardless of your marital status, our role as your financial advisor remains focused on achieving your specific goals.  

Each of your goals will come with its own time horizon and assumptions about the future. They will be impacted differently by your current financial situation. 

We know your life’s circumstances can change frequently, so we work hard to earn our place as your advocate and trusted guide who can regularly review and update your financial trajectory while navigating life’s path. 

Contact the Hadary team at Moneta to learn more about professional athlete wealth management and our other services.