We pride ourselves on providing high quality, fiduciary, fee-only advice to our clients.

Our advisors help business owners protect their interest in the business, diversify their wealth outside of the business, and create a long-term transition plan in the event they decide to retire. Some common services we offer are:

Most entrepreneurs have a single focus – working to make their business successful until it is generating steady profits. To achieve that goal, they often invest 100 percent of their annual profits back into the business. The strategy can have a number of benefits. Yet, it often creates other problems. It doesn’t diversify the business owner’s wealth, making them completely dependent on the performance of the business. 

Most owners work constantly to build their businesses. They are always seeking to find new customers, increase revenues and maximize profits. Yet, many don’t know how much their business is worth. Is it worth $10 million? $25 million? And how is the value determined? 

Business owners considering selling their companies usually have a few options – such as selling to a local competitor, family member(s), a large chain, or a private equity firm. But another lesser-known option is selling the business to your employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

Joe is the CEO of a successful business in the local area. He started the business 25 years ago and profits have increased substantially over the years. Joe’s son Mark is involved in the business and has expressed a desire to take over the CEO role someday. The other two children are not involved in the business. Joe doesn’t have plans to retire but is interested in creating a plan that protects his business, allows him to retire someday, and create a fair distribution plan for his children.